Monday, 12 September 2011

Individual Topical Review Paper Outline (Draft 1)

My individual topical review paper would be on the invention of Digital Photography and how it has changed our lives from the times when we only had access to film photography. 

Feel free to comment on this outline and suggest possible improvements to this paper. :)

Specific innovation of interest: 
The invention of Digital Photography, defined as a form of photography that uses an array of light sensitive sensors to capture the image focused by the lens, as opposed to an exposure on light sensitive film. (Wikipedia) The image is then stored digitally for later reproduction. (The free

Rationale for Selecting this Innovation:
-This single innovation led to a new market for digital products and digital cameras, with many more advantages, became more attractive than film cameras 
-Digital photography served as a catalyst for many other inventions (HD, 3-D imaging), moving forward into the future, there are many possibilities of how this would develop more innovations

Executive Summary
This paper discusses the impacts that digital photography has in our world today and contrasts it to the time when we only had film photography. It outlines the clear advantages of digital photography and looks at the future potential of this technology in this industry.

Background/ Introduction
-How digital photography works in digital cameras
-How digital cameras have captured a large market share vs film cameras since its inception

Historical Perspective
-How the world was like with film cameras
-Long waiting time to view image captured, no possibility of editing pictures, large size of film cameras (Disadvantages of film cameras)
-Price of film and developing- additional cost for every new photo taken

Current Situation
-Digital photographs could be archived, edited, viewed on the spot, transmitted from device to device, and created using photo imaging software 
- Higher photo quality, more flexibility and more applications for use together with other devices (in handphones, computers, UAVs and satellites )
-Film photography is still a current niche market in our society (Vintage cameras and instant camera- Polaroid)
-Disadvantages and ethical considerations of digital photography (Invasion of privacy, use in social media)
- 3D film technology and HD recording

Future Considerations
-Rise of cloud technology- could digital photography do away with storage devices in the future?
-New products- 3D camera/ Touchscreen camera / Holographic camera
-Could Digital photography be made obsolete with a new type of photography? (another disruptive change)

-Digital photography has been a disruptive change and film industries have been forced to adapt to these changes by creating a niche market for film cameras
-As technology is so rapidly advancing, we would be seeing smaller and better cameras in the industries with many different kinds of editing software to manipulate images. The possibilities are endless
-Are regulations needed to prevent the abuse of digital photography?



  1. I think this is a great topic! When thinking about technology, sometimes we forget such every-day forms of technology that we have. Your outline was easy to follow, and it seems like you have a lot of information to work with.

    However, I think you might have to narrow down your scope a bit more for a more focused paper. Perhaps talk about the impact of this innovation on a specific group of people, like students, or people in a certain industry, like the medical industry, or journalists etc.

    You could also try focusing a bit more on the impact of this invention in current society. For example, cover this issue of the cost of digital cameras? Under Historical Perspectives, you wrote about the "price of film and developing- additional cost for every new photo taken" so maybe you can compare and contrast the costs for consumers of today.

    Let me know if you need help, I'd be more than happy to help review drafts! :)

  2. Hey Lenard,

    great outline. Digital photography is a really interesting topic too! Cant wait to see the draft!

    Like what Andrea said, I too think you could elaborate some more about the social impacts with the invention of digital photography as that is what your paper is about. I am not so sure if this would further complicate your paper, but you may also want to think about the impacts of film photography on the commerce side. For example how the advertising industry fully utilizes this technology to entice people.

    Hopefully, this will help in provoking more interesting areas to discuss in your paper. Let me know if you need help k. :)


  3. Hey sorry for the late reply but my comment didn't seem to get posted. Basically what I think about your topic is that it is very unique and interesting as it narrows down on a specific market of society. I think that your outline is basically very solid, but you should clearly define your terms as not everyone may know what you are talking about. I think that you should also talk about how the advancements in photography have made an impact on society. Has the pictures produced enabled people to be more complacent regarding what they see? Is it a change for the better? For the worse?

    These are the things which I think you could expound on to make your paper a bit more in depth. All the best for your paper
